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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Download Google Keep Android Organizer App

Google has launched its latest Android App named 'Google Keep' which is a to-do checklist to help the user to set remember things.

Keep will help the smartphone user to scribble ideas on the go, include checklists and upload photos to keep track of important things. The data will be stored online using Google Drive. The Google Keep will offer features like vice memos, search, changing priorities, etc.

With Google Keep you can:
• Keep track of your thoughts via notes, lists and photos
• Have voice notes transcribed automatically
• Use homescreen widgets to capture thoughts quickly
• Color-code your notes to help find them later
• Swipe to archive things you no longer need
• Turn a note into a checklist by adding checkboxes
• Use your notes from anywhere - they are safely stored in the cloud and available on the web at http://drive.google.com/keep

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