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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Samsung becomes World's No.1 Mobile Phone Manufacturer

Samsung has dethroned Nokia as the Top Cell Phone Brand in 2012. The company has also taken decisive lead over Apple in the sale of smartphones. Nokia was pushed to second spot after 14 years since 1998.

Samsung has a market share of 29% whereas Nokia slipped to second spot with 24% compared to 30% last year. The market share of other brands during the year 2012 is as follows

Rank  Company 2012
1. Samsung 29%
2. Nokia 24%
3. Apple 10%
4. ZTE 6%
5. LG 4%

In the case of smartphone rankings Samsung overtook Apple by a long margin of 8% where it recorded a market share of 28% compared to Apple's 20%. The ranking is as follows:

Rank  Company 2012 (Smartphones)
1. Samsung 28%
2. Apple 20%
3. Nokia 5%
4. HTC 5%
5. RIM Blackberry 5%

The study was conducted by research firm IHS iSuppli

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