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Saturday, June 13, 2020

KITE Victers Channel First Bell Online Classes Youtube, Web

New classes will be launched on Monday (June 15) at the FirstBell project, which will be aired on Kite Victers Channel and online media, with special classes taking advantage of technology.

Trial-based classes provided an opportunity for the entire children to watch. The new classes will be broadcast from Monday onwards for various classes in advance. The best response to the first class was received from children, parents and the general public.

A total of 27 terabytes of download was done a day on the Vikters Web. There are one million subscribers on YouTube. About 16.5 lakh people have downloaded the Victory mobile app from the Play Store. Some classes were viewed by more than 40 million people. I have also seen classes in the Gulf countries outside of India and from the continents of the US and Europe. According to feedback from First Class, English Medium has provided a number of facilities for students to write English words, provide Malayalam explanation and more topics in Hindi language classes including Kite and CEO. Anwar Sadat told the audience.

Classes can be found live on victerseduchannel on Facebook and on YouTube via itsvicters, in addition to the Kite Victors channel. There will be a reunion of classes from Monday to Friday for classes 10 and 12 each day. The reunion will be held on Saturdays and Sundays, as is the case for classes one through nine. Children who cannot be seen at the reunion can later view classes from the web and online.

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