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Monday, March 8, 2021

Election Commission Apps: Voter Helpline C-Vigil App, Suvidha, Booth App

 Voter Helpline App

The voter helpline app (Voter helpline app) is an app that helps people check if their name has been added to the voter list, if not registered, to register anew, correct mistakes, and download a photo voter ID card.

BLO Net Mobile App

At the booth level, the BLO Net mobile app is an app that enables officials to check election documents, upload relevant information, and take action online on complaints received online or in person.

C-Vigil App, Suvidha

The CVIGIL App, which helps the public to report violations of the Code of Conduct, the Candidate App, which allows candidates to verify their status after submitting their nomination papers, and the Nodal App, which facilitates immediate action on the candidates' application, constituency law and election observers. Other enabled apps are the Observer app which helps in commission reporting.

The Booth‌ app

which will enable polling officials to quickly verify their voter ID card to facilitate voting, the Voter Turnout app, which will be published by the Election Commission on the day of the counting of votes, and the Personal With Applicability app, which will soon make the election process easier for people with disabilities.

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