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Monday, July 9, 2018

Household Waste Collection Service in City - V Care Environment Solutions

Bangalore based company V Care Environment Solutions Limited has launched an initiative in the ciry which manages waste on daily basis from household and corporates in the city.

The company manages wastes from  150 flats in the city, major hospitals and IT companies based in Technopark. The company has tied up with City Corporation for expansion.

V Care provides containers to each household and the customers have to segregate the waste into food and human waste. For each waste-filled container, the company charges Rs 200 for organic waste and Rs 100 for inorganic waste.

The waste containers are then shifted to the mini-waste treatment plants at Vellarada and adjoining villages by the technicians of the company. From there, the waste are treated and converted into fertilizer.

 A mobile application is also available for customers can alert the technicians on the waste.

For more details contact Subeesh : 9916354389.

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