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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Books by Bicycle : Get books on your doorsteps with discounts

 Bicycle buffs in Kerala capital have launched an initiative to help bibliophilies by bringing their favourite books to their doorsteps. "Books By Bicycle"is an initiative by the bicycle lovers in Thiruvananthapuram,led by the Cycle Mayor Prakash P Gopinath.

 They offer the service of delivering English and Malayalam books and children''s literature at the consumers'' doorsteps that too with great discounts. All the leading book houses including the DC Books, Mathrubhoomi Books, Poorna Books, Chintha Books, Green Books, Cost Ford, Maithri Books and Modern Books collaborate with Books by Cycle.

 The volunteers, under the initiative, provide information on latest books and books in stock through their facebook page and group and Whatsapp group BOOKS by BICYCLE. The books would be delivered inside the corporation limits, with 10 per cent discount. The payment can be made by cash, google pay or payTM

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