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Friday, November 11, 2011

Annexe R.T. Office in Civil Station, Peroorkada: Now 2 R.T. Offices in Trivandrum Corporation

Trivandrum, November 11, 2011: The authority has decided to bifurcate the opertions of RT Office in the Corporation. For the purpose, some important actions of the office has been transfered to Trivandrum Civil Station, which is situated in Peroorkada.

The chief reason for the bifurcation is the uncontrollable traffic and crowd of the existing RT Office. So now an annexe of the RT Office will soon start its operation from Civil Station, Peroorkada. On the first stage the main operation which will transfer to civil station would be the 'Learner's License Test'.

The areas where comes under the limits of civil station i.e. Peroorkada, Vazhayila, Mannanthala, Nalanchira, Sreekaryam, Keraladityapuram will also come under the annexe's authority.

The civil station has arranged fees counters, exam conducting facilities and exam hall etc.. Also computers and office furniture are arrived. The taxes of private vehicles also would be collected in the first stage itself.

The decision on new register number giving to the new RT Office yet to decide. If authority decides to give a new registration, that will be KL-63, otherwise it will continue as KL-01.

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