The first high altitude cricket stadium in South India has been inaugurated at Krishnagiri in Wynad district today. The stadium has been inaugurated by Kerala Governor Nikhil Kumar in the presence of Youth Affairs Minister PK Vijayalakshmi, KCA president TC Mathew etc.
The stadium has been constructed at a cost of Rs. 6.5 crores on a land of 4.4 hectares. It is located in the Kozhikode - Bangalore National Highway near Krishnagiri Junction. The gallery of the stadium is of grassmount type and resembles the South African grounds. The stadium can accommodate 10,000 people.
Dharmashala in Himachal Pradesh is the only High altitude stadium in India prior to the construction of the stadium at Krishnagiri.
The stadium has been constructed at a cost of Rs. 6.5 crores on a land of 4.4 hectares. It is located in the Kozhikode - Bangalore National Highway near Krishnagiri Junction. The gallery of the stadium is of grassmount type and resembles the South African grounds. The stadium can accommodate 10,000 people.
Dharmashala in Himachal Pradesh is the only High altitude stadium in India prior to the construction of the stadium at Krishnagiri.