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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Functioning of Ration shops in Kerala Lock down 2020

Government of Kerala ha announced a pattern for purchase of ration from ration shops in the state. From April 1st onwards, those with ration card number ending 0 and 1 can buy the rice on the first day (Wednesday). Similarly the following pattern has to be maintained

April 1 - Card number ending in 0,1
April 2 - Card number ending in 2,3
April 3 - Card number ending in 4,5
April 4 - Card number ending in 6,7
April 5 - Card number ending in 8,9

Priority card holders (yellow and pink cards) can purchase rice from ration shops from morning till noon, while the non-priority card holders (blue and white cards) can approach the shops in the afternoon. At a time only five persons will be allowed inside the shop.

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